Obviously a huge collection had to be shown somehow on my walls so after this items' pics, I included more pics of a bunch of frames you might be interested in. They're all collage frames that hold more than one photo. I have many that hold 8x10's and 3 that hold 11x14's.
Now here's the description. You are looking at a 8x10 photo signed by the prolific Matt Damon in his excellent performance as Tom Ripley in one of the best, most underrated movies of all time, The Talented Mr. It is authenticated by PSA/DNA and you will also receive the COA card you see in the photos. Basically all the other Talented Mr.
Ripley photos out there signed by Matt Damon are pretty boring head shots of him doing nothing. Either that or they're posters and only one of them has Jude Law in them as well. This one has by far the most character and has Jude AND has the late, great Philip Seymore Hoffman in his fantastic performance as Freddie Miles in it as well.
This is the only photo out there that has all 3 in it. This is obviously a one of a kind piece that I've never seen before.